How to create a channel.xml for a specific country 1. Goto and in the top right corner click on the flag and select your country.Some countries ask for preferred language,select it. 2. Create a cookie file and name it it in the same directory as your webgrab++config.xml file.If you dont know how see here.. 3. Open the file and scroll to the bottom to the channels.xml creation section and enable only this section.. ** ##### BOUQUET FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file) 4. Add this channel to your webgrab++config.xml.. dummy 5. Run webgrab,you will see a message about a irregular cookie file,you can ignore it. 6. Open the and you will some something like below.. All Bouquet Id 7.copy everything in the site_id="xxx" to the subpage.format {list|xxxx},replace the comma's between the group id's with a |(easiest way is use a editor like notepad++ and use the replace feature).it should look like below.The actual group numbers may be different depending on the country you have choosen. subpage.format {list|449a4511-4f4d-40fb-8668-3ac42f5537fc|41349b85-add9-47a6-9851-3a723f791bd5,3db2aaed-4660-48c8-86dd-c3a907a43aa7|5c11dc59-603e-4bbb-a3c9-66520c0a0a44|050ab866-70d9-4fe4-a9b3-516fbf634010|483465ab-8d65-4ef5-93c1-ca205c1f5e72|6ca1bc1b-435f-48d3-8e34-b615df09b341|f0a46e79-666b-4d42-b3e7-45836cafa86b|b8ff3564-52dc-40c3-a465-e8661d4e96cd|2cb22a04-347f-4fb7-9fdc-94ea259f2598|36bac017-022f-493f-9610-9af1a7f2e4b2|40cf320d-8718-4dfb-88a7-16929e269c1b,485ebada-91fd-4a78-8ba5-889db749b0bc} 8. NOTE:the above string is broken up becasue of the length but it is one continious string. 9.disable the ** ##### BOUQUET FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file) and enable this section ** ##### CHANNEL FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file) 10. Run webgrab and you should have a file created with the channels for the country you have chosen. 11. To create a channels.xml for a different country repeat the process above.DO NOT FORGET TO CREATE A NEW COOKIE FILE FOR THE NEW COUNTRY,THIS IS A IMPORNANT STEP!!. 12. The cookie file is not needed to grab epg data from the site.It is only needed to create a country channels.xml file. 13. After creating a channels.xml file you should rename it if you are going to create another channels.xml file for another country as it will be overwritten. rename it to something like m.dstv.com_country-name.xml,example m.dstv.com_nigeria.xml. 14. Disable the ** ##### CHANNEL FILE CREATION (only to create the xxx-channel.xml file). 15.Your done.