Jan van Straaten , 26/10/2015 How to create a localised channellist file for directv.com and create the necessary cookie file to grab data from local channels Notice! The following procedure might not work with IE. We experienced problems with it which is caused by the fact that this site provides cookies in a non standard format. IE and Firefox both have problems while exporting these cookies. For firefox we were able to solve these problems with a update op WG++. (1.1.1/55.6) 1. In your browser goto https://www.directv.com/guide?lpos=Header:1 2. Enter your zip code eg 94102 for San Francisco or 60601 for Chicago, eventually enter County if asked. 3. Wait for the webpage to complete. 4. Export the cookies to a file named directv.com.cookies.txt in the same folder as the config file. Follow the instructions as in http://webgrabplus.com/documentation/configuration/cookie 5. Open directv.com.ini . Near the bottom is the section that creates channelist files Enable the lines there by removing the first * 6. Add one dummy channel in your config dummy 7. run wg++ 8. If all is well you have created a channellist file for your location directv.com.channels.xml 9. Revert the actions of 5. Notice: you will need the cookie file created in 4 also to grab guide data from these local channels. Done Jan