document created 09/05/2014 by Jan van Straaten updated 17/10/2015 Allows Multiple xmltv input files to merge How to Merge existing xmltv files with WebGrab+Plus. ************************************************************************************************** * Introduction ************************************************************************************************** This is the preferred method as an alternative for the method described in the document Merging-xmltv-files.txt which is avaiable @ This alternative makes use of the 'file protocol' as described in section 4.4.4 of the manual. With this the program reads the existing xmltv file, extracts the xmltv data for the channels specified in the config file for the timespan also specified there and adds it to the xmltv output file. In fact this method is no different from a normal wg++ run, but instead of grabbing the raw epg data from a tvguide website, it reads this from the existing xmltv file. For that it makes use of a dedicated 'siteini' file, merge-xmltv.ini, in which all the necessary parameters and steps are defined, just like any other siteini. With it, it does all the normal things, like removing obsolete shows, extracting start and stop time and converting it to the timezone if necessary, extracting all the xmltv elements, like title, desc, actor, episode etc and finally writing all of that to the xmltv output file. In the same run, you can add channels from other sources, like tvguide sites, by adding these channels to the channel-list in the config file, just like any other WG++ run, but also if required from another existing xmltv file. ************************************************************************************************** * Setup (configure your files to merge) ************************************************************************************************** 01. Download the special siteini merge-xmltv.ini @ 02. Open this ini in a text editor, e.g. notepad or notepad++ 03. Add the xmltv files you want to merge in the merg-xmltv.ini: find *** edit - path_of_the_xmltv_file2merge.xml - to your requirements and add one line below eg. subpage.format {list|D:\guide-1.xml} * 1 file we want to merge subpage.format {list|D:\guide-1.xml|D:\guide-2.xml} * 2 files we want to merge subpage.format {list|D:\guide-1.xml|D:\guide-2.xml|D:\guide-3.xml} * 3 files we want to merge You can also change: timezone=UTC+00:00 into the timezone of the original xmltv files eg. timezone=Europe/Rome timezone=UTC You can also change: cultureinfo=en-GB into the cultureinfo of the country of the original xmltv files eg. cultureinfo=it-IT ************************************************************************************************** * generate your own file ************************************************************************************************** 04. open merge-xmltv.ini with a text editor 05. remove the FIRST * in all the lines between @auto_xml_channel_start and @auto_xml_channel_end 06. in the WebGrab++.config.xml file, add a dummy channel like this: dummy 07. run WG++ once. 08. your should get a file in the same directory as the .ini file 09. put the first * back in all the lines between @auto_xml_channel_start and @auto_xml_channel_end 10. use the to setup your WebGrab++.config.xml file (you can now remove the dummy channels from 06.) ************************************************************************************************** * generate your merged file ************************************************************************************************** 11. now you can run wg++ with the config file you created in 10 and merge your xmltv files 12. you can add any other siteini channel in the merge config file. wg++ will merge the files and also grab the data for the 'normal' siteinis.