---------------------------------------------------------------------- SchedulesDirect.com revised October 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you can use this siteini, you must: A. Get a membership and register at schedulesdirect.org/account , get a login name, a password and create one or more lineups B. add your login and password C. generate your own SchedulesDirect.channels.xml file (because this is different for every unique login) A. Follow the instructions at schedulesdirect.org !! Important when chosing a lineup: Keep the number of channels low !! Only add channels that you are really going to use! Keep in mind that also for the channels you do not use to get an epg from, the data is downloaded. That takes time and slows down the process. B. Open the SchedulesDirect.com.ini file and look for the next line and change the credentials to yours. url_index.headers {credentials=ENTER_USERNAME,ENTER_PASSWORD} C. To generate the your own .channels.xml file (extra info can be found on http://webgrabplus.com/node/289) 1. in your siteini: for all the lines between @auto_xml_channel_start & @auto_xml_channel_end, remove the FIRST * at the beginning of the line (= uncomment) Save schedulesdirect.org.ini 2. in your .config.xml: Add only one dummy channel in the WebGrab++.config.xml file dummy Only grab for 1 day 0 Save WebGrab++.config.xml 3. Now just run WG++ and your .channels.xml file should be generated, if all goes well. 4. You have now your .channels.xml file. The channel lines inside it, can be used to configure the WebGrab++.config.xml file. 5. Revert the changes made in C.1.