version 3 Januari 2015
How to customize revision 2:
A. Introduction:
The online tvlisting of the 'new' site is special in a few ways and therefore the siteini file to grab it with WebGrab+Plus is also special and rather different.
The most important difference are:
A1. The tvguide start and stop times are not available on the index_page! Instead they are given on the showdetail page. Grabbing these times from showdetail pages was not supported by WG++ until version 1.1.1/54. This feature is added and available in any version later than 1.1.1/55.10, but with the restriction that incremental grabbing is not possible due to the nature of it (it needs the times for the update decision process)
A2. The siteini file needs customization. For that it needs two id values; a session_id , that must be copied from a cookie, and a lineup_id that can be copied from a browser response on a special url.
A3. The following creates a customized siteini file for postal code L9H1N3 and provider Bell Fibe TV-Toronto as an example.
B. Get the session_id:
B1. With your browser go to
B2. Enter your postal code e.g. L9H1N3
B3. Choose your provider e.g. Bell Fibe TV-Toronto, ON - Digital
B4. Click 'Continue', that will bring you the tv listing for your postal code.
B5. Click 'Personalization', Add or remove to get the channels you want. Save the selection!
B6. Save the cookies in the WG++ home folder as canada.com_cookies.txt
(see online documentation .. how to do that)
B7. Add a dummy channel to WebGrab++.config.xml : dummy
B8. Run WG++, this will create a new cookie file canada.com_cookies.txt in which only the relevant cookies are left.
B9. Open this cookie file and locate the line with the id , it will look like this : TRUE / FALSE 1507312020 id 60B98B964B06A8263C3366B7E3792953
B10. Copy the id value , 60B98B964B06A8263C3366B7E3792953 , in the example.
B11. Rename to (of course instead of L9H1N3 use your postal code) Open this file in a text editor, e.g. notepad or notepad++
B12. Replace #session_id# with the id value copied in B10. Be sure to replace both instances, there is one in the line that starts with url_index and another that starts with index_url_show !!
C. Get the lineup_id:
C1. In your browser go to 8E0378902599B454E669028E211ACA3D.
Make sure to replace #session_id# with the value of the session_id found in B10 !!
C2. Your browser should respond with something like this: {"callback":"jQuery111102747483376103626_1420548477680","lineup_id":"36625D","tz":"America\/Toronto","_":"1420548477683","session_id":"60B98B964B06A8263C3366B7E3792953"}
C3. Copy the "lineup_id" value: 36625D in this example.
C4. Replace #lineup_id# with the value found in 14 in
D. Create the channellist file:
D1. In remove the comment character * at the beginning of all the lines near the end of the file starting with *index_site_channel.scrub upto the line *end_scope
D2. Save
D3. Change the channel entry in the webgrab++.config.xml :
dummy into
(of course instead of L9H1N3 use your postal code)
D4. Run WG++, this will create a channel list file with all the channels selected in B5.
D5. Undo the changes made in step D1 and save the changes.
Done. Next you need to configure WG++ in the regular way.
If you are not familiar with configuring WG++ , follow the instructions on the website,
The example files and can be found on in the Canada section
enjoy, Jan van Straaten