How to change the region setting for 1. The 'standard' region abreviation in Brasil used in are: Acre - ac Alagoas - al Amapá - ap Amazonas - am Bahia - ba Ceará - ce Goiás - go Espírito Santo - es Maranhão - ma Mato Grosso - mt Mato Grosso do Sul - ms Minas Gerais - mg Pará - pa Paraíba - pb Paraná - pr Pernambuco - pe Piauí - pi Rio de Janeiro - rj Rio Grande do Norte - rn Rio Grande do Sul - rs Rondônia - ro Roraima - rr São Paulo - sp Santa Catarina - sc Sergipe - se Tocantins - to Federal District, Distrito Federal - df 2. and as downloaded from the webgrabplus website is configured for Rio de Janeiro - rj 3. To change the region , change the value rj in uf=rj in url_index{url()|http://www.||subpage|?uf=rj&limit=0} a few lines below ** ##### CHANNEL FILE CREATION into the region abreviation for your region as given above 4. remove the first * from all the lines below ** ##### CHANNEL FILE CREATION Save 5. add one channel to your webgrab++.config.xml e.g. AXN 6. Change the timezone setting in if necessary . (in the line that starts with site The available timezones for Brazil are timezone=Brazil/DeNoronha UTC-02:00 timezone=Brazil/East UTC-03:00 timezone=Brazil/West UTC-04:00 timezone=Brazil/Acre UTC-05:00 7. This will create a file containing all locally available channels for your region. 8. Revert step 4 !! 9. Select any channels from this file and copy to webgrab++.config.xml Done enjoy Jan